
Soundtracks of Cinema: ‘In for a Murder’

In for a Murder Soundtrack - Every Song in the Netflix Movie (W jak morderstwo)

The In for a Murder soundtrack includes music by Henry Mancini, Carl Douglas and Stiff Bones. This info article contains spoilers and song details for Piotr Mularuk’s 2021 Netflix movie. Visit the Vague Visages Soundtracks of Cinema section for more music guides.

In for a Murder stars Anna Smolowik as a veterinarian named Magda Borowska who investigates her friend’s disappearance near Warsaw, Poland. Pawel Domagala co-stars as Jacek Sikora, a police officer who links a local murder to an influential politician. The film’s relatively light soundtrack incorporates a famous movie theme as a recurring musical motif. Here’s every featured song in the Netflix movie In for a Murder, a Polish production featuring supporting performances by Szymon Bobrowski, Piotr Adamczyk, Dorota Segda, Rafal Królikowski, Przemyslaw Stippa and Jacek Knap.

Read More at VV — Soundtracks of Television: ‘Intimacy’

In for a Murder Soundtrack: Every Song in the 2021 Netflix Movie

In for a Murder Soundtrack - Every Song in the Netflix Movie (W jak morderstwo)

  • “Pink Panther — Theme” by Henry Mancini (00:36:00): The In for a Murder soundtrack song is used as Magda’s ringtone. It’s first heard when the protagonist receives a phone call from Tomasz (Przemyslaw Stippa) and then again at 00:49:00 during a salon visit. The music plays one more time at 01:28:00 as Magda hides at a suspect’s home.
  • “Kung Fu Fighting” by Carl Douglas (01:34:00): Czerwinski’s henchman battles dancers after Magda escapes. It’s a brief and somewhat bizarre sequence, one that ultimately sets up a climactic confrontation.
  • “Szósty zmysł” by Anna Smołowik (01:40:00): Performed by the film’s lead actress, the track scores the end credits after Magda celebrates her independence.
  • “Mary Jane” by Stiff Bones (01:43:00): The In for a Murder soundtrack song plays during the end credits after “Szósty zmysł.”

Read More at VV — Soundtracks of Television: ‘Surviving Summer’


Netflix’s In for a Murder soundtrack also includes:

  • “Grube Tango” by Mikołaj Stroiński
  • “Nokturn Dla Chopina” by Krystyna Man Li Szczepańska.

Q.V. Hough (@QVHough) is Vague Visages’ founding editor.