
Soundtracks of Cinema: ‘Scoop’

Scoop Soundtrack - Every Song in the 2024 Netflix Movie

The Scoop soundtrack includes music by Barbara McNair, Zoom Karaoke and Petrina Ryan-Kleid. This info article contains spoilers and song details for Philip Martin’s 2024 Netflix movie. Check out Vague Visages’ Soundtracks of Cinema section for more soundtrack song listings, and then browse cast/character summaries in the Know the Cast section.


Scoop stars Gillian Anderson as Emily Maitlis, a BBC Two journalist who hosts the program Newsnight. Keeley Hawes co-stars as Amanda Thirsk, Prince Andrew’s private secretary. The storyline follows Emily as she prepares for an interview that links the British Royal family to a scandal involving convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. Composers Anne Nikitin (Hijack) and Hannah Peel (Game of Thrones: The Last Watch) scored the 102-minute Netflix film; music supervisor Jenn Egan (Rain Dogs) selected the featured needle-drops. Here’s every song in Scoop, an adaptation of Sam McAlister’s 2022 book.

Read More at VV — Soundtracks of Cinema: ‘The Tearsmith’

Scoop Soundtrack: Every Song in the 2024 Netflix Movie

Scoop Soundtrack - Every Song in the 2024 Netflix Movie

  • “Don’t Rain on My Parade” by Barbara McNair (00:06:00): The Scoop soundtrack song is featured during an exterior sequence. First, Jae Donnelly (Connor Swindells) tracks Prince Andrew (Rufus Sewell) and Jeffrey Epstein (Colin Wells) in New York City. He snaps photographs and changes his plan. Jae improvises while running to find a new position. He takes several photographs before locating his targets. The music sets in as Jae exhales while resting on the ground. He says, “I’m here.” The Scoop soundtrack song continues during a “Nine Years Later” scene. Sam rides a subway in London during the opening credits sequence. She wears a black outfit with leopard heels. Sam carries coffee on her way to the BBC headquarters. The music drops as Stewart (Richard Goulding) talks to his BBC colleagues.

Read More at VV — Soundtracks of Television: ‘Ripley’


The Scoop soundtrack also includes:

  • “Don’t Rain on My Parade” by Zoom Karaoke
  • “Parsing Bill” by Petrina Ryan-Kleid

Q.V. Hough (@QVHough) is Vague Visages’ founding editor.