
Soundtracks of Cinema: ‘That’s Amor’

That's Amor Soundtrack - Every Song in the 2022 Netflix Movie

The That’s Amor soundtrack includes music by Everly, Hummingbird Hotel and Darkminds. This info article contains spoilers and song details for Shaun Paul Piccinino’s 2022 Netflix movie. Check out Vague Visages’ Soundtracks of Cinema section for more music guides.

That’s Amor stars Riley Dandy as Sofia, a graphic designer who breaks up with her cheating boyfriend. Isaac Gonzalez Rossi co-stars as Matias, a Spanish chef who visits his uncle in Sonoma. The storyline follows Sofia as she hangs out with her mother and immerses herself in Spanish culture. Composer Jamie Christopherson (A California Christmas) scored the 96-minute Netflix film; music supervisor Ben Sokoler (Inside Job) selected the featured needle-drops. Here’s every song in That’s Amor.

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That’s Amor Soundtrack: Every Song in the 2022 Netflix Movie

That's Amor Soundtrack - Every Song in the 2022 Netflix Movie

  • “La Fiesta Soy Yo” by APM Music (00:10:00): Lainie (Nancy Lenehan) wakes up Sofia. The That’s Amor soundtrack song continues during a transition sequence. Lainie leads a Zumba class.
  • “Julianne” by Everly (00:31:00): Matias sits down at Lucey’s Tavern. Music plays from within the bar. Sofia meets with Olivia (Kimberley Drummond).
  • “London Show” by Amelia Rae (00:37:00): Sofia looks at clothing in her bedroom. She opens up a suitcase. The music stops abruptly.
  • “Only Love (Seaside Wounds Remix)” by Hummingbird Hotel (01:01:00): Matias explains his Castilian accent to Sofia. The That’s Amor soundtrack song plays as the characters laugh. Sofia kisses Matias and then apologizes.
  • “Standing Tall” by Darkminds (01:15:00): Olivia tells Sofia that sometimes it’s best to celebrate “baby steps.” The track scores a montage sequence. Sofia researches an art institute and returns a gift from Richard (Bryan Craig).
  • “For the Crowd” by Everly (01:28:00): The music accompanies a party sequence. Guillermo (Daniel Edward Mora) hosts a social event.
  • “California Weather” by Jonathan Tinne (01:31:00): Sofia and Matias celebrate new beginnings and happily-ever-afters. The characters kiss as the film ends. “California Weather” scores the end credits.

Read More at VV — Soundtracks of Cinema: ‘Day Shift’


The That’s Amor soundtrack also includes:

  • “We Can Write” by Jonathan Tinne and Sofia Tinne

Q.V. Hough (@QVHough) is Vague Visages’ founding editor.